
Opportunity to Speak at EdCrunch 2023 (Kazakhstan)

Ā Are you an expert in STEM education or passionate about building sustainable classrooms of the future? This is your chance to share your insights and innovations with a diverse audience of education and EdTech professionals at EdCrunch (15-16 November 2023), the largest event on education and new technologies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. and will be taking place in Almaty, Kazakhstan 2023.

The organisers of EdCrunch are inviting expressions of interest from BESA members to speak at the forthcoming EdTech conference on the following topics at the conference:

  1. STEM: Best practice and innovation
  2. Classroom of the future: Building the sustainable classroom

What will be provided by the conference organisers? Ā 

  • Ticket to the conference. Ā 
  • Flights (economy) to and from Almaty.
  • Accommodation (including breakfast).

If you would like to be considered to speak by the organisers, please complete the following form providing your choice(s) of sessions and reason(s) as to why you think that you should be selected: Application Form

Deadline for completion: Wednesday 26th July 2023 – NB. extended to Wednesday 2nd August 2023.

EdCrunch organisers will make the final decision on speakers.Ā  No feedback on applications will be given by the conference organisers.


About EdCrunch

EdCrunch is one of the biggest conferences on education and new technologies in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions. Throughout 9 years of existence, it has attracted more than 44k participants both in person and online from 20 countries and 134 cities. It is a platform for world-class leaders and innovators from the education and EdTech industry to share their thoughts and discuss new trends. This year, apart from 5 separate conference stages, EdCrunch is hosting an exhibition for EdTech providers.


BESA EdCrunch information webpage: https://www.besa.org.uk/events/edcrunch-2023/