
Education Technology – From Hype to Evidence: EDUCATE Ventures Research

5 October 2023

Explore the integral role of evidence and impact in realising the potential of EdTech by joining our insightful webinar.


11am - 12pm


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Free for BESA members, £50 for non-BESA members

Explore the integral role of evidence and impact in realising the potential of EdTech by joining our insightful webinar.


The winds of change are gathering as governments across the globe are introducing policies, guidelines and legislation to ensure that EdTech providers can evidence the efficacy of their products and services. Investors too are getting wise, asking about AI plans and roadmaps.  The stakes are high. But necessity breeds opportunity. EdTech providers who step up to demonstrate that their products deliver impact will earn seals of approval and lock in first-mover advantage as standards rise. Those who understand and embed AI will accelerate student achievement and commercial success. Don't wait for scrutiny. Be the innovator and capitalise on change. Join EDUCATE Ventures Research and BESA to learn how we can help you supercharge your business: 

In this webinar, you'll discover: 

  • How an evidence focus can help EdTech live up to its potential 
  • How to cut through the hype and implement an AI strategy 
  • Why schools should demand proof before adopting new technologies 
  • Q&A: Ask our experts about the EdTech evidence imperative 

Explore the integral role of evidence and impact in realising the potential of EdTech by joining our insightful webinar. Led by expert researchers Dr. Ekaterina Cooper (Director of Research & Training, EVR),  Morgan Dee (Director of AI & Data Science, EVR), and Dr. Fiona Aubrey-Smith (Pedagogical Researcher, EVR), the discussion will provide key perspectives on trends, challenges, and tips for evidencing efficacy, implementing AI strategically, and adopting an evidence-based approach as an EdTech company or school. Whether you build, buy, or use EdTech, don't miss this timely exchange of ideas on the research imperative shaping the future of education technology. 

Reserve your place today and help shape the future of learning powered by research and results. 

We look forward to seeing you online! 



Dr. Ekaterina Cooper, Director of Research & Training, EVR

Dr. Ekaterina Cooper is holding a PhD in Developmental Psychology and an MSc in Public Health. Her research has been focused on unravelling the factors that contribute to successful scaffolding during learning interactions. Her expertise lies in understanding how to effectively support learners in their educational journey, ensuring optimal learning outcomes. She is also an Assistant Professor at North Eastern University, London.   

Ekaterina’s area of expertise is research methods and psychometrics, developed over the last 15 years through her involvement in a wide range of research, including randomised-control trials and international research. Also, through her work, she has gained experience in assessing the quality of evidence related to the evaluation of interventions. Over the last few years, Ekaterina has amassed a wealth of experience managing teams and leading projects across various domains.  She has successfully supported more than 100 EdTech companies to cultivate a research mindset, integrating evidence-based processes into product and business development, and overseeing the development of research strategy and evaluation processes. 


Morgan Dee, Director of AI & Data Science, EVR

Morgan Dee is the Director of AI and Data Science at EDUCATE Ventures Research. She leads the Data Science team in using data and AI to extract meaningful insights about human learning. She holds a Master's degree in Data Science with AI from The University of Exeter, where she received recognition for her outstanding academic performance. She also trained as a secondary school Physics teacher at the Institute of Education after completing her Master's degree in Astrophysics from The University of Manchester. With a decade of teaching experience spanning across diverse locations including the UK, Nepal, Malawi, Hong Kong, and Japan, Morgan has developed a deep commitment to the ethical use of AI in Education. Her primary goal is to unlock the full potential of every learner, ensuring their growth and success.  


Dr. Fiona Aubrey-Smith, Pedagogical Researcher, EVR

Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith works with schools and trusts to support strategic development in relation to pedagogy and the use of digital technology. She leads teams of teaching and leadership staff through impact studies and supports the development of pedagogically-led digital strategies. Named by Education Business as one of the 50 most influential people in education (2022), Fiona also works with professional learning providers and EdTech companies conducting research and supporting product development. She is also an Associate Lecturer and Consultant Researcher at The Open University and sits on the board of a number of multi-academy and charitable trusts. Fiona is an experienced school educator and has been awarded Fellowships by CCOT, RSA and HEA, and was the recipient of the TPEA Research & Development Award (2021).  



To register your interest, or to ask any questions, please email eventsteam@besa.org.uk. 

We look forward to having you join us for an enlightening and enriching experience!

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