
Webinar: R&D tax credits – A class apart for BESA members

23 September 2020

For the education sector in 2020, it’s been a year of mixed fortunes. Like so many other parts of British life, the lockdown has forced a reboot of how we approach learning and education.


11am - 12pm


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Free for BESA members

For the education sector in 2020, it’s been a year of mixed fortunes. Like so many other parts of British life, the lockdown has forced a reboot of how we approach learning and education.


As demand for e-learning tools soared, some of our members have thrived, whilst others have taken a while to adjust. No matter where 2020 has taken your business, though, R&D tax credits can help.


Many educational suppliers already claim this incentive. And that’s great – but claiming is just the first step. Getting the process right is another thing entirely. Join ForrestBrown Director Adam Kotas CTA to learn:

  • How to ensure you’re getting everything you deserve
  • Whether your business is protected from risk
  • How much time you should be spending on your claim


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