
School trust priorities: CST research findings 2023/24

18 January 2024

Make sure you're prepared for the new year, with insights from the National School Trust Survey, a collaboration between the Confederation of School Trusts and Edurio.


11am - 12pm


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Free for BESA members, £50 for non-BESA members

Make sure you're prepared for the new year, with insights from the National School Trust Survey, a collaboration between the Confederation of School Trusts and Edurio.


In its second year, the Confederation of School Trusts (CST) and Edurio have recently launched the CST National School Trust Survey Report 2023. This survey serves as a critical resource designed to unveil the key priorities and challenges for the education sector in the upcoming academic year. Based on responses from 395 trust accounting officers across England, this survey covers trusts of varying sizes, providing a comprehensive overview of the landscape.

This webinar features a summary report, highlighting responses to pivotal survey questions as identified by trust leaders, serving as a compass for the academic year 2023/24. Join us to gain valuable insights, understand sector priorities, and leverage this information to navigate the evolving educational landscape.

  1. Evolution of School Trusts: Delve into the changing dynamics within school trusts as the political landscape develops and an expectation of a general election influences the sector. Explore the implications of this shift on the landscape of trust organisations and their continued growth and consolidation.
  2. Shifting Emphasis in Trust Priorities and Needs: Understand the specific priorities and needs of Trust in the current educational environment and the changes from last year. Explore the practical and strategic requirements that trusts now encounter given the evolving landscape and see where they might value support from the commercial sector.
  3. Ecosystem Developments: Discuss the wider impact of strong trust and high-quality trust definitions and understand what the sector cares about and where the attention of trust leaders is expected to go over the next year.

Read the full report here.


Ernest Jenavs is the CEO and co-founder of Edurio. He is a frequent public speaker globally on effective use of school sector trends and the role of stakeholder feedback in schools. Ernest advises a number of school trusts and national school systems and participates in policy debates by the OECD and European Commission.




James Goffin is Head of Communications for the Confederation of School Trusts, the national membership organisation and sector body for school trusts. James works regularly with school trusts, policy organisations, and sector experts in developing and reflecting education policy through CST's membership communications, guidance, and publications. He has had a wide-ranging career taking in journalism, communications, digital, and governance, across education, health, local government, and the arts.





About Edurio

Edurio is England’s leading provider of staff, pupil, and parent feedback surveys for schools and school trusts, working with over 100 trusts and 2000 schools across England and internationally.

Edurio regularly publishes research reports based on feedback from pupils, parents and school staff. To visit the full set of Edurio’s thought leadership reports, visit https://home.edurio.com/insights.

About the Confederation of School Trusts

Confederation of School Trusts is the national organisation and sector body for school trusts in England.

Through its three pillars - advocate, connect, support - CST is shaping the education policy agenda. Bringing together trusts in England from every region and of every size, CST has a strong, strategic presence with access to government and policy makers to drive real change through research for education on the big issues that matter most.

CST is proud to support and represent more than half of the academy sector, in turn responsible for the education of over two million children and young people.


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