
Brain training + motivation = better learning + more fun


The concept of ANT products is to combine brain training and motivational strategies to build super-fluency in literacy and numeracy. I have worked for over 10,000 hours as a private tutor, and during that time I have developed and perfected the techniques used in all ANT products. The ANT Maths App, Numberella and Go Poet! are all based on this heavily researched theory.

The hand-writing recognition based ANT Maths App uses the methodology of the highly successful Antonio and Tiger series of maths books, which have helped children overcome dyscalculia and dyslexia. For the motivational part, I have developed Antcentives, which rewards effort with prizes as students pass achievement thresholds. Brain training with the Antcentives app motivates students to study, and leaves them with red hot number skills.

There are few teachers who haven’t at some point experienced students saying that maths is boring. Finding a creative way to engage them, without losing lesson value, is always a challenge. Numberella combines elements of classic games like Snakes and Ladders and Monopoly with exam based maths questions. Its is a fun game that students want to win, so they are highly motivated and engaged during the game, whilst the content has been designed to ensure a real ‘educational punch.’

And finally ‘Go Poet!’. This is a new range of books that encourages students to connect words on the basis of their poetic potential. Because it’s creative, it’s fun – and students find themselves thinking of words they’ve heard, but don’t really understand; dead words become living words, and so vocabulary expands.

I’ll be on Stand 11 in the Bett Futures area of Bett 2017, so pop by to find out more about ANT’s products and theories. We look forward to seeing you there.

Website: http://www.ant.london/

Twitter: @antutoring