
Combining maths and French for an effective new way of learning


At Emile Education we combine the teaching of maths with French or English, creating a new and exciting way to learn these subjects. 

Our belief is that the content rather than the language should be the driving force behind successful learning. So, for example, instead of studying colours or directions in French, a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) product would mean studying curriculum concepts from other subjects in French.

Because of its effectiveness in fundamentally altering the way learners think and process information, our work has been part funded by Innovate UK (the UK Government’s innovation agency).

We term the CLIL approach as a competence-based route to teaching. By combining the French and mathematics curriculums, students benefit from learning both the subject and the language. CLIL promotes the right communication and language abilities, alongside cultural sensitivity and group based learning.

The activities are fun and engaging so children want to learn!

Designed with Manchester Metropolitan University’s Faculty of Education, Emile Education also encompasses the all important assessment and tracking functionality, at both an individual, and class level.

We would love to demonstrate our resource to you at Bett 2017, so please come along to see us on stand 6.

Website: http://emile-education.co.uk/

Twitter @Emile_Education

Glen Jones

Emile Education has been formed after two lecturers (and former teachers) – Sarah Lister and Pauline Palmer – from Manchester Metropolitan University’s Faculty of Education started to work with my IT company (Quick Controls) on a new online product for primary schools. Their enthusiasm for teaching languages in context (CLIL) and the research about this technique made us all wonder why no-one had tried to do it before!

We started working with MMU’s School of Computing in October 2016 following funding from Innovate UK and are aiming to have a full product ready for release in September 2017.

What we are really hoping from BETT is that we get feedback about the product at this pivotal development point. Delegates at BETT could have a real impact into how the product is developed and delivered into schools!