
The fun way to help students think about their future!

Stepping into Business

At Bett 2017, the Stepping into Business (SIB) team will be demonstrating our new play-based learning app, Entreprenaws, for the first time. Our fun and engaging game, teaches children valuable business, enterprise and life-skills.Ā 

Entreprenaws was carefully developed with the help of children, teachers and educational psychologists, and funding from Innovate UK. Based on a foundation of both commercial and teaching experience, our experiential enterprise and business engagement programmes for schools.help young learners to be inspired by the world of work and learn real life skills.Ā 

Daniel, a Year 6 student from St Annes Primary school in Manchester said, ā€œThe Entreprenaws game makes me work out the calculations quickly in my head, running a business is hard, but fun!ā€.

Stuart Owen, deputy headteacher of the school added, ā€œUsing games for this topic increases studentsā€™ independent learning and resilience. When children canā€™t do something in class, they often stop, but in this game they take risks, keep on trying and learning!ā€

Experience opens up new conversations, engaging children in a different way. This game encourages experiments and mistakes, reflection and action, just like a real life business!

Weā€™ll be on stand 26 at Bett 2017, pop by, have a play with Entreprenaws, get on our score board and meet the Stepping into Business gang!

Website: steppingintobusiness.org

Twitter: @steppingintobiz @entreprenaws