
BESA’s Summer Insight Day 2018 was a great success as our member companies joined us in London’s stunning Stationer’s Hall for a day of discussion, debate, education and intervention.


With such a glorious venue, the rich and insightful discussions were anticipated excitingly to bring the room to life.

The day was kicked into action by BESA’s very own Director General, Caroline Wright introducing proceedings and BESA’s Chair, Chris Ratcliffe, who was lovingly awarded the Chairman’s medallion as a sign of his worth to the day and discussion.

We then had the opening keynote from MP Graham Stuart discussing the UK’s position to respond to the growing demand in international exports. A thought-provoking speech followed by questions from the audience.


The first panel discussion of the day was led by none other than Patrick Hayes, BESA Director, focusing on school leaders and what exactly they are looking for. The speakers, Sue Collings, Richard Connor, Jon Hickey and Michelle Thomas spoke of their thoughts on how schools buy their products and what it takes to be a successful supplier within education.



After an indulgent coffee break we were treated to a triple-whammy of a panel chaired by BESA’s very own Abi Ross-Jackson, Events Manager. The panel discussed the forever necessary topic of student wellbeing in schools, each with a very different angle from one another…



Katy Potts begun the discussion with a talk on the importance of safe-guarding for children when it comes to online safety.

We were then given an experts insight into the world of GDPR by lawyer Luke Gittos about the issue of dealing with client’s data and selling it on.

Professor Kathryn Ecclestone, author of The Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education then gave a warning of the dangers of forcibly driving young people and children into mental health care and the vitality of allowing people to consent to their own wellbeing analysis or intervention.

Lastly on the discussions, BESA’s EdTech expert Nina Iles was joined by Lucy Crehan, author of Cleverlands: The Secrets Behind the Success of the World’s Education Superpowers.

Lucy talked us through her new book and her journeys to the classrooms across Europe and what she had learnt by comparing our lessons to those abroad.

And finally, the heavily anticipated, delicious BBQ lunch was served! In the beautiful gardens of Stationer’s Hall an afternoon of eating, drinking and networking carried on into the early evening, made extra special by the company of a complimentary Pimm’s wagon and gorgeous sunshine.

The team at BESA would like to thank everyone for making the day a major success and we look forward to seeing you all again next year!