
HES is London Borough of Haveringā€™s umbrella brand and vehicle for providing support services and training to the education sector.

HES (as a brand) has developed over the past few years and now comprises some 25+ service providers. Our portfolio of services comprise a diverse range of expertise, including leadership and governance, school improvement, curriculum support, health and safety consultation, information management and finance, payroll, computing solutions, adult education and specialist language support, catering operations and Health and Wellbeing support.

In addition, we provides a brokerage service for education providers which comprises 19 services and upwards of 35 vetted suppliers of goods and services that are not provided by HES.

Our customer base has grown over the years, with significant buy-back across a wide range of services from all primary and secondary schools in Havering and a range of services bought by around 100 schools spread across London, Essex and the South East of England. We also provide provides services to 200+ Early Years Providers.

We have a strong track record of nurturing wider partnerships within the education sector. A notable example of this is the award winning partnership with ā€˜Rising Starsā€™ with whom our Computing and Online Safety team co-developed Switched on Computing in response to the introduction of new Computing curriculum in 2014. The suite of co-developed ICT curriculum resources also comprises Switched on ICT in the Early Years, Switched on iPad in English, Maths and Science, Switched on MiNECRAFT and ā€˜Learn to Codeā€™. These products are being used in 6000+ schools in the UK and overseas.

The HES brand is highly regarded by the education community. Our service providers have a long history of establishing strong partnerships and relationships with key stakeholders in education establishments in order to ensure that high quality day-to-day support provided leads to positive outcomes for children and young people.

Own Brands

  • HES Logos

Supplier Brands

Early Years

  • Yes