
BESA’s EdTech Exchange Networking Brunch (North) – Wakefield, Yorkshire

19 April 2023

BESA’s ever-popular EdTech Exchange, in-person, networking brunches are aimed at founders and leaders across the EdTech sector who are looking to broaden their network and sector knowledge.  


10am - 1pm


41 Industrial Park
WF2 0XE View Map


£25 + VAT & Fees

BESA’s ever-popular EdTech Exchange, in-person, networking brunches are aimed at founders and leaders across the EdTech sector who are looking to broaden their network and sector knowledge.  


EdTech Exchange, in partnership with Wonde, is delighted to present a new regional brunch event hosted at YPO’s offices in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. 

The ever-popular EdTech Exchange community is branching out across the country into 2023 and is hosting a brunch event to bring the EdTech community together. All food, drink and entry into a prize draw is included in your ticket. 

One lucky attendee will win a hamper.

The EdTech community houses a wealth of talent and original thinkers eager to explore and potentially create new opportunities and ways of growing, keen to discuss current challenges, and eager to work out the solutions and learn from each other. With such a diverse market, BESA recognises the importance of bringing together colleagues with common interests to share ideas, information and maintain a tight focus on the marketplace. Connect with colleagues and listen to speakers from schools and MATs, as we discuss ideas and share hints and tips with fellow EdTech founders and leaders. 

The networking event will start with a keynote presentations from the award-winning entrepreneur and Yorkshire Post columnist Kirsty Collinson of TrainingToolz Ltd.  We will also be joined by senior leaders from a number of MATs in the region to hear their thoughts on current issues and key problems that applications can assist with. 


10-10.15am - Registration and networking 

10.15-10.20am - Welcome from EdTech Exchange Lead sponsor ‘Wonde’ 

10.20-10.45am - Keynote – ‘Innovation and how to make sure it works’Kirsty Collinson of TrainingToolz Ltd  

10.45am-11.15am - Networking time 

11.15am-12.00pm – School leader panel discussion chaired by Dave Smith, Head of Content, BESA, Paul Edge, Deputy Headteacher at Ribblesdale High School, Al Kingsley, Group CEO, NetSupport, MAT Chair, RSC Advisory Board, Nick Robinson, Executive Principal, Trinity MAT, Martin Bailey, Director, Animate 2 Educate Ltd.

12.00-1.00pm - Networking time 


Kirsty Collinson

Innovation and how to make sure it works.

How do you go from an idea to a market ready product/service?

Kirsty will be sharing her experiences over nearly three decades of launching successful (and not so successful) publishing and edtech products. 

She will be discussing how to start working up a business idea, how to create a Minimal Viable Product, and how to take that product, if it proves commercially feasible, to market.

Kirsty has won and judged Entrepreneur of the Year awards, written business columns for the national and local press, and mentors other entrepreneurs.

Kirsty currently has two businesses, Kodo Innovations and TrainingToolz. In her spare time she can be found orienteering on her Dales ponies or penning her first novel.

"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life." - Amy Poehler

Sponsored by Wonde

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