
Virtual: Selling to schools conference

6 July 2020

After a sell out event in 2019, BESA is proud to organise this summit again to discuss an important issue: finding innovative ways to sell to schools in a rapidly changing landscape.


1pm - 5pm


This event will
be hosted
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BESA members - £100

After a sell out event in 2019, BESA is proud to organise this summit again to discuss an important issue: finding innovative ways to sell to schools in a rapidly changing landscape.


Suppliers have long struggled with how to engage with and sell to schools and this half day conference aims to help address this problem, giving attendees practical tips and advice on how they can increase school sales.

Panel discussions and live focus groups made up of leading education professionals will offer innovative advice about how best to engage schools as well as covering practical tips for companies, such as identifying their highest performing schools. 

Key discussions include:
· Identifying the decision-maker in a time of change
· Practical advice for selling to schools
· Selling to international schools
· Data driven marketing



13:00: Welcome - Julia Garvey & Jason Gould - Director, The Education Company

13:10: Using research to create valuable content - Timo Hannay - SchoolDash

13:45: Practical PR - Anna Pedroza - Marketing and Communications Specialist

14:10: Pay Per Click Advertising - Ben Brown, Session Media 

14:35: Digital Marketing Lessons from the front line - David Harman - Director, The Education Company

15:40: Data Driven Marketing  - Jason Gould - Director, The Education Company

16:10: International sales – Rob Thompson International Sales Director, Collins Education


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