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Combating Childhood Obesity: Playforce gets active!

PRESS RELEASE Here at Playforce we’re launching a new campaign to get our children active! We don’t have to tell...
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Education Fast Forward 5 – a global student event (jointly facilitated by Promethean)

Member News Release Education Fast Forward was the idea of Jim Wynn, Chief Education Officer at Promethean, and supported by...
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Capita SIMS survey reveals 85% of academies feel under pressure to spend money more wisely

PRESS RELEASE  A survey conducted by Capita SIMS has revealed that 85% of academies questioned think that the increased financial...
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ICT in Independent Schools 2012

An online questionnaire was used to collect quantitative evidence from a broad range of independent schools on the NERP Independent...
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The Future of Tablets and Apps in Schools 2012

C3 Education undertook an internally-commissioned project to review the projected provision and use of tablets and apps in English maintained...
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Capita’s SIMS Curriculum Management suite chosen by Princethorpe College to implement pain-free timetabling for busy staff

PRESS RELEASE Princethorpe College in Rugby has chosen Capita’s SIMS Curriculum Management suite to make it easier for the Curriculum...
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Capita to supply 1200 Northern Ireland schools with SIMS for next 5 years

PRESS RELEASE Capita has announced that it has been selected by Northgate Managed Services to continue to provide its SIMS...
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Crick Software announces free web demonstration plans

PRESS INFORMATION Web demonstrations enable teachers to see new products in action without even leaving their desk. This term, education...
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Press release: Education Resources Awards 2012 winners

The United Kingdom’s (UK) most outstanding educational resources, suppliers, educators and institutions were selected as finalists for the Education Resource...
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Frog shows primaries how easy learning platforms can be to use

The creators of the UK’s leading secondary learning platform, Frog (www.frogtrade.com), has developed a new platform designed for primary schools...
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